Promoting Deaf Issues is a charity (Registered Charity number 1115671) and supports Manchester Centre for Deaf Studies and Deafness Matters to run courses related to deafness and hearing loss.

Promoting Deaf Issues also supports an information website called Deaf Strategies (details below) which aims to enable deaf people and their friends, families, work colleagues, etc, to manage living with a hearing loss.

Manchester Centre for Deaf Studies (MCDS)

Manchester Centre for Deaf Studies runs:

  • Lipreading classes
  • Lipreading teacher training courses
  • Lipspeaker training courses
  • Deaf Awareness Courses 

Deafness Matters

Deafness Matters runs:

  • Deaf Awareness Courses (a lot of our courses are run for companies who have been recommended to implement Deaf Awareness Training by Access to Work)

The information website: Deaf Strategies

Promoting Deaf Issues supports the website  This website aims to provide information and strategies found useful by people with a hearing loss. It is hoped this information will enable deaf people and their friends, families and work colleagues, etc, to manage living with a hearing loss.

There are lots of tips and strategies for situations that hard of hearing people can often find difficult.  There are currently 8 chapters as follows:

1.  General information – this includes information on hearing loss, deafness and hearing aids.

2. Family and visitors – this includes ideas on how to get co-operation from family and friends and how to arrange things to suit your hearing loss. It provides useful ideas for your family on how to make life easier and more pleasant for everyone.

3. Travel – this includes information on planning in advance and tips for various modes of travel.

4. Crowded rooms – this includes situations such as meetings, restaurants, pubs, dinner parties. Most hard of hearing people have real problems with background noise. This chapter is helpful in this respect.

5. Out of doors – this includes tips on conversing in the open air and some practical safety tips.

6. Environmental aids and strategies and Hearing Dogs for deaf people – this chapter gives ideas on things like knowing when you’ve got a visitor at the door, using the telephone, listening to the television and radio, etc.

7.  Miscellaneous – this chapter includes information on tips that people have found useful when shopping, at work, at church, the theatre, swimming baths, etc.

8. Useful organisations and websites and sources of helpful advice – links and contact details for a variety of organisations that provide services for deaf and hard of hearing people

How can I use this website?
  1. Browse the sections that you think may be useful to you.
  2. Adapt the suggestions to your own needs.
  3. Remember that what might work for one person might not work for another.
  4. Ignore suggestions which don’t appeal to you. 
  5. You might find it helpful to list the ideas you feel will help you in the order of your preference.
  6. You can always try one course of action and if that fails, try another.